dead poets society造句
- Rob reiner : robin williams , talking to his students in , uh , dead poets society . it ' s the best wisdom a teacher can impart on a student , regardless of what the subject is
罗宾威廉斯,告诉他的学生,或来学生们组成了已故诗人协会。这是老师能灌输给学生的最好的智慧,不管事在什么课程里。 - Mona lisa smile - about a noncomformist teacher at a private school who encourages students to pursue their individuality - is pretty much an all - girls version of dead poets society that mixes 50s fashions with 70s feminist thought
不屑学校向学生灌输一枚订婚戒指比学位更重要.公然挑战学校的做法,鼓励学生去实践想法.结果. - It's difficult to find dead poets society in a sentence. 用dead poets society造句挺难的